I listed a new drawing in my etsy shop today. It is a drawing of English Ivy. It seemed rather empty, so I decided to write English Ivy on it in fancy script. I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I'm really fond of drawing with carbon pencil. I think it looks so sharp and crisp against the stark white of the paper, much better than regular pencil. I'm envisioning my next drawing, which I think will be of some gorgeous Gingko leaves I found yesterday at the University when I was taking some lunch to Dan. I was walking along enjoying the brisk wind, a quintessential fall day, when I looked down and saw all these perfect little ochre hued fans. I didn't realize Gingko leaves turned yellow in the fall, but they do, and they stood out against the green grass like tiny golden lanterns. I grabbed a handful of them, and did a practice drawing of three of them yesterday. I think that will be my next project. I also took a beautiful photograph of one, and I'm considering posting that on etsy as well. What do you think?