My little Buddy is now one month old. I can hardly believe how much faster this month went than the final month of my pregnancy. Could it be the endless repetition of feeding, changing, rocking, feeding, changing, rocking that makes it go faster because it feels like I'm not doing anything? Or perhaps it was the torture of waiting for Silas' arrival that made the last month of my pregnancy seem to drag. I don't know. But I do know that I'm very excited for when Silas stops eating every couple of hours and can hold off a bit longer. And for when he establishes some sort of schedule beyond constant eating. We have our one month appointment tomorrow, so I'm interested to see how much the Doc says he weighs and what percentile he's in. I have to be honest though, the main reason I'm interested in this is because I really want to write it in his baby book. There's a whole page dedicated to reports from his doctor's appointments, and it's just begging to be filled in.
I am also getting back to creative endeavors, slowly but surely. I painted a mountain scene the other day, and it was positively life renewing! It wasn't even that great of a painting, it was just so nice to be doing it again. It did make me realize that I'm not very skilled at painting mountains, and I need to practice.